Please help your child learn the days of the week in order and to count by 10s.
Takemeoutside speaks for itself.
The children will be spending time outside on
Wednesday, October 24th practising their math skills.
*We ask that they please dress for the weather.*
I would like the children to share their favorite stickers with their classmates. When completing a particular assignment, they will have the opportunity to give out stickers to each other. If you have stickers, great but do not feel obligated to buy them.
Schools across the province have been implementing “litter less" lunch programs as they work toward being more environmentally friendly.
Kids are encouraged to bring their food and snacks in reusable containers. With reusable containers, they can finish a snack later without it being squished or ruined. This has the added benefit of giving parents a glimpse into what their kids consume.
The “litter less" lunch is a great opportunity to promote healthy eating rather than buying prepackaged foods.
Please help us to help our planet by limiting the amount of waste products used while preparing your child’s lunch at school. click for more info.
The Kissing Hand
Your children will be bringing home Chester. This little raccoon has a story inspired by the book: The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn, which we read on the first day of school.
Chester will be coming home in a green pouch. In the side pocket is a letter template; please help your child write a note to Chester as to what they enjoyed doing together (you can do the printing if you wish). We are hoping to give a mathematical twist to the note (ex: I liked playing with you on the swing. We counted up to 20 swings together).
If they wish, they can draw a picture of the activity in the cloud or back of the page.
Please make sure Chester and the letter come back to school
in the pouch the very next day for another child to enjoy :O)
N.B. If Chester gets a little dirty, please give him a spot clean-up
using a clean cloth, mild soap and warm water. Merci
I will give him a good bath once a month.