* Mix it up! Have your child count a set of objects but start at different places in the set (for example, start counting in the middle of the set rather than at the beginning). This helps to develop the idea that the counting of objects can begin with any object in a set and the total will still be the same.
* Have your child skip count (counting by twos, fives or tens) to count larger groups of items quickly. Use such objects as blocks, pasta pieces, toothpicks or buttons.
* Ask for your child's help to problem solve by counting items in your home. "If one chair has four legs how many legs do these three chairs have? You might record "how many" by using a combination of numbers and pictures.
* Guess my number game: Choose a number and respond to your child's guess with "more" or "less" until they reach your magic number.
* Making number sentences with 3 magic numbers: Choose 3 numbers that can be added and subtracted (3, 4 and 7). Have your child figure out the 4 possible number sentences (equations) :
3+4=7, 4+3=7, 7-4=3, 7-3=4.
* Have fun learning basic addition and subtraction facts to 10 by heart (in the car, during a walk, during a meal etc.).